Good Neighbor Agreement

On August 27, 2020, Vineyard Wind, the Town and County of Nantucket, the Maria Mitchell Association, and the Nantucket Preservation Trust entered into the Good Neighbor Agreement, which established The Nantucket Offshore Wind Community Fund. The Fund supports local initiatives to combat the effects of global climate change, enhance coastal resiliency, and protect, restore, and preserve Nantucket’s cultural and historic resources.

Vineyard Wind provided $4 million to seed the Fund, which is administered by the Community Foundation for Nantucket. The Community Foundation for Nantucket issued its first round of grants from the Fund in May 2024.

The Good Neighbor Agreement also includes measures that Vineyard Wind agreed to implement to reduce the potential visual impact of Vineyard Wind 1 to Nantucket, including painting the wind turbines a non-reflective off-white/light gray color to blend into the horizon and installing Aircraft Detection Lighting System, a lighting system that reduces nighttime lighting for the project. Vineyard Wind also agreed to move the first row of wind turbines farther away from Nantucket.

The Good Neighbor Agreement can be found here.