Welcome to Vineyard Wind’s webpage dedicated to providing resources and information to members of federally recognized indigenous nations who are part of the federal permit review process. Vineyard Wind communicates with indigenous peoples, including members of the federally recognized Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Narragansett Indian Tribe, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, Mohegan Tribe, Shinnecock Indian Nation, and the Delaware Tribe of Indians.
Please direct questions to Steven Tadros, Director of Public Affairs at Avangrid: STadros@vineyardwind.com
Tribal Resources Login
Onshore Construction has been completed. For more information about what has been completed, visit the Barnstable page.
Vineyard Wind 1
Permitting Status:
Federal & State review is complete
Power Purchase Agreements:
Important Links:
Permitting Approval
Offshore Work/Vessel Schedules
Other Related Documents
Offshore Cable Route Map
Onshore Cable Route Map