Cynthia Pyć is the Senior Manager of Environmental Affairs at Vineyard Wind. She is engaged in a variety of activities within the offshore wind environmental affairs arena, including environmental surveys, permitting, community outreach, and engineering support. Cynthia leads the science, technology, policy, and environmental aspects of project permitting and development for Vineyard Wind’s projects. Cynthia has worked on studies related to the effect of industry sound on aquatic wildlife for over a decade, in many ocean environments, and for multiple wind energy projects and developers in the offshore Atlantic. Her other areas of expertise include long term and baseline environmental monitoring studies, oil spill response, community and Indigenous consultation, environmental impact assessment, and regulatory permitting with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Cynthia has published papers on passive and active acoustics, as well as science policy. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and a Master of Science in Resources and the Environment, both from the University of Calgary, Canada.

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