
Elizabeth Marsjanik, Manager of Environmental Affairs, oversees environmental permitting and compliance. Elizabeth is a marine biologist with expertise in marine ecology and marine affairs. Focused on advancing marine technologies for protected species, Elizabeth collaborates with the science community and other stakeholders for responsible offshore wind development. Elizabeth joined Vineyard Wind with a decade of environmental permitting and regulatory compliance experience in the energy and utility industry. Elizabeth started her career in the renewable energy industry researching algae for biofuel development at a local R&D laboratory. As a marine biologist, Elizabeth has expertise in phycology, marine invertebrate physiology, aquaculture, and elasmobranch biology.

Elizabeth was born and raised in Southeastern Massachusetts and currently resides in Mashpee on Cape Cod. Ms. Marsjanik is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Marine Biology and Marine Affairs.

Novus Group